The University of Pretoria has released results of its Thermal Performance Study, which assessed operational energy use of structures built with six different walling materials. When selecting building materials, developers and architects of green buildings take into...
Simplify your sustainability reporting!
Interest Group:Brick Manufacturers & MembersThe brick making sector in South Africa currently emits roughly 2.2 million tCO2e per year (Sector Sustainability Report 2018). Monitoring and reporting must cover all industrial processes, including fugitive and...
Our sustainability journey – Algoa Brick
Interest Group:Brick Manufacturers & MembersBefore the concept of sustainability took on its current depth of meaning, Algoa Brick was already working towards reducing its resource consumption. MD and SAEEC Board Member Nico Mienie, describes the company’s 15-year...
Makana supplements with solar
Interest Group:Brick Manufacturers & MembersMakana Brick in the Eastern Cape uses a solar microgrid to supplement and secure their power supply. The farm of photovoltaic (PV) panels is designed to produce 600 000 kW hours per annum — 356kWp DC and 300kWp AC. “The...
EECB wins 2016 National Energy Globe Award
Interest Group:Brick Manufacturers & MembersThe Energy Efficient Clay Brick (EECB) Project is proud to announce today that it has been named the winner of the National Energy Globe Award South Africa in the 2016 Energy Globe Awards. The Energy Globe Award is...
Carbon Tax – the carrot and the stick
Interest Group: Brick Manufacturers & Members Submitted by: Lisa Reynolds Carbon Tax is being implemented in South Africa from 1 June 2019. At the CBA’s annual conference, Lisa Reynolds of Green Building Design Group (GreenBDG) updated CBA members on...
Worcester Brick welcomes Habla team
Interest Group: Brick Manufacturers & Members On Thursday 4th September 2015, Worcester Bricks hosted guests from the clay brick sector and the local community to celebrate the launch of the first Habla Zig Zag Kiln to be constructed in South Africa. Guests...
SA Brick Manufacturers Survey Results
Interest Group:Brick Manufacturers & MembersIn the second half of 2015, the EECB with the assistance of the Clay Brick Association conducted a survey to gauge what changes in energy efficiency clay brick makers had implemented since the projects inception in 2013....
Habla Zig-Zag Kilns – Exploratory visit
Interest Group: Brick Manufacturers & Members Following requests from within the brick making community for more information on the Habla Zig-Zag kiln, The EECB project established communications with the Australian based team. Some early discussions have...
Energy consultants learn about brickmaking
Interest Group: Building Construction Professionals An educational course on brickmaking was presented to Energy Consultants by Dries van Vuuren of Cermalab. Hosted by the National Clean Production Centre (NCPC), the aim of the course was to bridge the...